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Two Types of "Good News"

The Good News that Paul taught:


"I warned both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and put their trust in our Lord Jesus. ... This day, I can tell you that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I did not hold back from proclaiming to you the whole will of God."

Acts 20:21, 26-27

"I was not disobedient ... I proclaimed to all that they must repent and turn to God, and that they must prove their repentance is genuine, by the way they live. ... I say nothing except what the prophets and Moses said would happen-- that the Christ would suffer and, being the first to rise from the dead, would proclaim light, both to the Jewish people and to the Gentiles."

Acts 26:19b-20, 22b-23

"Repentance" refers to a change in the way a person thinks (his values) and the way he acts (his lifestyle). It involves a rejection of one's past way of living, and the decision to follow the way of God's kingdom.

"Trust" (also "faith" or "believing") refers to acceptance of what the Bible says about Jesus, relying on Jesus for salvation, and relying on the Holy Spirit for the power to follow in the way of God's kingdom).

Any other "Good News":


"But even if we or an angel from heaven were to preach a good news other than the one we preached to you, let him be forever cursed! As we have said before, I now repeat: If anyone is preaching to you a good news that is different from what you already received [= what Paul preached], let him be forever cursed!"

Galatians 1:8-9



1) Which "Good News" have you been taught? Which "Good News" do you tell others?


2) Based on the "Good News" you believe and communicate to others, what do the above verses say about you?

            3) (If applicable) How must you change?

Dennis Hinks © 2008