Having God-Honoring Priorities

Many Scripture passages describe our obligations.

Some explain how these obligations are to be fulfilled. Others show us the way different obligations relate to each other. (They often use priority words or phrases, such as: first, better than, especially, instead of, rather than, etc.)

Below, the first two sections involve matters where Scripture describes definite right or wrong actions. These obligations must always be followed, unless there is a conflict between them. If there is a conflict, then the higher priority must be followed.

The priority of love

#1 - Love for God.

Expressed by obedience and moral purity; sometimes (not always) by religious activities.

#2 - Love for Neighbor.

In order of priority: Our Christian family; our biological family; unsaved people we know; others.

#3 - Anything else that is good.

In order of priority: Love for self (when it is legitimate); everything else (including religious activities).

The Kingdom view

#1 - Things that are eternal.

Things that will affect us forever: Eternal needs (salvation, etc.); eternal rewards; spiritual relationships; people.

#2 - Things that are temporary.

Things that affect us right now, but not after we die: Physical needs; present-day rewards; relationships in this present life; all created things other than people.

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This last section involves matters that may be right or wrong, depending on the circumstances. For these, there are no commands that tell us they are always right or wrong.

The good of those involved
(especially the other person)

Things that are good and beneficial.

Things that are fitting or suitable for the situation; things that encourage or build people up.

Things that are not hurtful or harmful.

Things that don't control or enslave people (which includes not tempting them with something that would lead them into habits or addictions); things that don't cause spiritual damage to newborn Christians (they need to grow up, but they haven't had time); things that won't defile an unsaved person's conscience (referring to something they think is wrong, even though we know it isn't always wrong).