Passage (in Acts) | About the account | To Whom | Pertaining to concepts: The Word, God (general concept) and Jesus | we = witness / testify | "believing" & similar | Passage (in Acts) | Pertaining to concepts: Other | Pertaining to actions | Other, related to… | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Quote or Description |
Partial Account | FROM | Jew & God-fearing Gentile | Gentile (pagan) | Quote / reference O.T. | General about the MESSAGE | FOUNDATIONAL - God / people | Jesus FULF PROPHECY | RESURRECTION (of JC) | Lord | Christ | Son… | OTHER titles | remidner of sin | Forgiveness / Sins removed | Kingdom of God / with God / one of the saved | Resurrection (of people) / Judgment | Other | Repent & Turn | Baptism | Related to other Deeds & Axns. | Other | Speaker | Hearer | God - Misc. | God - Sovereignty emphasized | Misc. | ||||
Acts 8:4-25 | D | Overview of event | Philip; Simon Peter (later) | People of Samaria (many = "half Jews") | ? | x | x | x | x | x | Lord | Christ | x | x | About the word (message) of the Lord | B - They believed the good news | Acts 8:4-25 | [Simon magician warned about his sins; heart not right before God] | [To Simon magician: repent for forgiveness] | Good news of the K of G | [Warning: Simon magician in danger of perishing] | x | [Simon magician didn't repent; told he must do so] | They were baptized | x | x | Also performed miracles (which impressed Simon magician) | [Simon asked Peter to pray that his warning wouldn't come to pass.] | They received the H.S. | [Compare: Acts 15:8 God gives HS to those he accepts.] | No record of Simon repenting |
Acts 13:13-49 | Q | x | Paul | J G - at synagogue | x | Psalm 2:7; Isaiah 55:3; Psalm 16:10 and more | The message of salvation | x | Y | D B R, no decay | x | x | Son | Savior; Holy One | (Apostles & others) About JC's physical resurrection. | B - Those who believe (these things) = justified… | Acts 13:13-49 | x | Forgiveness of sins through Jesus | x | x | Justified of things that are impossible under the O.T. Law | x | x | x | x | [When rejected: We'll go to the Gentiles] | Warned about unbelief (and thus fulfillment of prophecy!); many oppose Paul | x | All who were appointed to eternal life believed | x |
Acts 3:11-4:4 | Q D | "While they were speaking" the leaders took/jailed them | Peter (& John) | J | x | General reference; ref. to salvation of Gentiles | x | x | Y | D R - you killed him; God raised him to life | x | Christ | x | Holy / righteous / Author of life / Prophet like Moses | Of the resurr. | B - Many who heard believed | Acts 3:11-4:4 | "Your wicked ways" | (Rep & turn) So sins wiped out | (Rep & turn) so times of refreshing may come & Jesus may return | Proclaiming the resurr. from the dead (4:2) | Blessed by God | Repent & turn to God | x | x | x | Jesus used them to do a miracle | x | x | God (thru JC) turning you from your wicked ways | [The man = healed by faith in Jesus' name] |
Acts 10:1-11:18 (esp. 10:34-43; 11:15-18) | Q D | Still speaking when the H.S. came | Peter | G - Cornelius + relatives / friends | ? | The prophets testify about him (abt. blvg. & forgiveness) | x | x | x | D R | Lord - over all | Christ; anointed by God (related to concept of Christ) | x | x | Of what Jesus did, his resurrection, he is the judge | B - Those who believe in him receive forgiveness | Acts 10:1-11:18 (esp. 10:34-43; 11:15-18) | x | Peace [with God] & forgiveness of sins (both thru JC) | x | The living & dead to be judged | God accepts all who fear him and do what is right | Repentance unto life - granted by God | [After H.S. came] P ordered that they be baptized | x | x | Told by God to go & speak | God told him to call Peter (to hear the msg. of salv. - 11:14) | x | God gave them the HS | No religious rituals necessary for the HS! |
Acts 20:20-31 | Q | Paul's summary of his message | Paul | J G | P | x | He proclaimed the whole will of God; anything helpful. | x | x | x | Lord | x | x | x | About the good news of God's grace | F - Must have faith in our Lord Jesus | Acts 20:20-31 | x | x | x | x | x | Must turn to God in repentance | x | x | x | Results – he was innocent of anyone's blood. | x | x | God purchased the church with his own blood | A warning about false teachers who would come |
Acts 2:14-47 | Q D | Also "many other words" | Peter | J G | x | Joel 2:28-32; Psalm 16:8-11; Psalm 110:1 | x | x | Y | D R - You killed him / God raised him | Lord | Christ | x | x | Of the resurr. | x | Acts 2:14-47 | You put Jesus to death… | (Rep & bapt) For the forgiveness of sins | x | x | (Rep & bapt) & Receive HS | repent | Be baptized | v. 42-47 (list) | x | Pentecost - anointing of apostles by HS | Save yourselves from this corrupt generation | x | The promise = for all whom God will call / God added to their number (also in 5:14) | x |
Acts 22:6-21 | Q D | Summary of Paul's conversion | Ananias | J - Paul (Saul) | x | x | ["This way" - v. 4] | x | x | x | Lord | x | x | The righteous one | A witness of what you have seen / heard | x | Acts 22:6-21 | x | [Sins need washed away] | x | x | x | x | Be baptized | x | Wash your sins away, calling on his name | x | The Jews wouldn't accept his witness | Called him on road to Damascas | x | Then send to Gentiles |
Acts 14:15-17 | Q | x | Barnabas and Paul | x | P - Idolators | x | x | Who God is | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Acts 14:15-17 | x | x | x | x | God's goodness | Turn from worthless things to the God who created everything | x | x | x | Goal: try to keep the people from making sacrifices to them | Later they tried to kill P & B! | This God has left a witness to himself, by giving you blessings and joy | x | x |
Acts 7 (esp. v. 37, 52-53, 59-60) | Q | Killed before he could finish! | Stephen | J - Jewish leaders | x | Many references about Israel's history; Deut. 18:15 (prophet) | x | x | Y (implied) | D R (implied when he said he saw Jesus) | Lord | x | Son of Man | A prophet like Moses / The righteous one | x | x | Acts 7 (esp. v. 37, 52-53, 59-60) | Israel's sins recounted / you murdered JC & broke God's Law | He prayed for their forgiveness for killing him (v. 60) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Recounted Israel's godless history | [They killed him before he was done talking!] | x | x | x |
Acts 8:26-40 | Q | "He told him the good news" | Philip | G - an official who was reading the Bible! | x | Isaiah 53:7-8 explained | x | x | Y | x | x | x | Son of God [late MSS] | x | x | B - "If you believe…" "I believe that J = S of G" [late mss] | Acts 8:26-40 | x | x | x | x | x | x | Officer asked to be baptized | x | x | Content of his preaching not given; sent by God | x | x | x | x |
Acts 9:20-22 | D | General statement | Paul | J G? - those in Synagogue | x | Implied use - he "proved" that J = C | x | x | x | x | x | Christ | Son of God | x | x | x | Acts 9:20-22 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Their response - want to kill him | x | x | x |
Acts 13:6-12 | D | Doesn't say what was taught (v. 12) | Paul | x | P? - Proconsul at Paphos | x | "The word of God" / "The teaching of the Lord" | x | x | x | Lord (implied) | x | x | x | x | B - He saw what happened / believed because of the teaching | Acts 13:6-12 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | He asked to hear the word of God | x | x | Sorcerer made temporarily blind |
Acts 16:22-34 | Q D | Not told what he may have heard in the songs (v. 25), or what else he was taught (v. 32) | Paul and Silas | ? | ? (Philippian jailor) | x | They spoke the Word of the Lord… | x | x | x | Lord | x | x | ("believing in LJ" parallels "believing in God") | x | B - (To be saved) Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ | Acts 16:22-34 | x | x | x | x | He knew he needed saved prior to direct talking w/ P & S | x | He & family were baptized | x | x | Paul & Silas in prison / earthquake | The jailor had first asked them about salvation. | x | x | x |
Acts 17:1-4 | D | General statement | Paul | J G? - those in synagogue | x | He reasoned from the Scriptures / explain & prove | x | x | x | D R + he had to suffer | x | Christ | x | x | x | P - They were "persuaded" | Acts 17:1-4 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | V. 5+ = About those who oposed the truth | x | x | v. 11- Compare w/ others who examined the Scriptures & believed them |
Acts 17:16-34 | Q D | x | Paul | J G - prior to the "sermon" | P - Pagan philosophers, etc. | x | x | Who God is and his relationship to people | x | D R - Jesus and the resurrection / raised from the dead | x | the man God has appointed [= meaning of "Christ"] | x | x | x | B - A few believed | Acts 17:16-34 | x | x | x | The resurrection; day of judgment | We are God's "offspring"; don't compare God to a man-made image! | God commands all people everywhere to repent | x | [Implied - Seek & reach out for God] | x | I am proclaiming to you the God you call "Unknown" | Most mocked or said they'd listen "later" (prob. means "never") | x | x | x |
Acts 18:28 | D | General statement | Apollos | J - in public debate | x | Proving from Scriptures... | x | x | x | x | x | Christ | x | x | x | x | Acts 18:28 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Acts 18:4-8 | D | General statement | Paul | J G - in synagogue | P - After leaving the synagogue | x | x | x | x | x | x | Christ | x | x | That Jesus is the Christ | B - Many believed | Acts 18:4-8 | x | x | x | x | x | x | Many were baptized | x | x | When rejected by most: We'll go to the Gentiles. | The others opposed him | x | x | He "reasoned" with those in the synagogue |
Acts 19:8 | D | General statement | Paul | J G? - in synagogue | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Acts 19:8 | x | x | Arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Acts 19:9-20 | D | Summary | Paul | J G? | P | x | x | x | x | x | Lord | x | x | x | x | B - Those who believed… | Acts 19:9-20 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Confessed their sins; destroyed their occult writings | Held Jesus' name in high honor | No detail about what Paul said (v.9) | Response to events that happened (v. 13-16) | x | x | Contrast between Paul's miracles & fake "miracle workers" |
Acts 24:24-25 | D | General statement | Paul | J - Governor Felix's wife | P - Governor Felix | x | x | x | x | x | x | Christ | x | x | x | F - Faith in Christ Jesus | Acts 24:24-25 | x | x | x | The judgment to come | x | x | x | Righteousness and self-control | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Acts 26:14-29 (esp. v. 19-23) | Q | x | Paul | J G | P | Proclaim only what the law and prophets said about the Christ | x | x | x | D R - suffer / rise from the dead | x | Christ | x | x | A witness of what he had seen of Jesus and would be shown | F - (Must turn so…) Made holy by faith in Jesus | Acts 26:14-29 (esp. v. 19-23) | x | (Turn…) So they may receive forgiveness of sins | (Turn…) So they may receive a place among those made holy | x | Christ would proclaim light to Jews/Gentiles | Turn from darkness to light & from power of Satan to God / repent | x | Prove their repentance by their deeds | (Paul sent) to open their eyes | To speak otherwise would have been an act of disobedience by Paul! | The king is aware of these events [in Jesus' life] but didn't want to believe the prophets. | x | x | "These things are true and reasonable" |
Acts 28:17-31 | Q D | Overview | Paul | J G(later) | P - Later (would talk to anyone who would hear) | Law & Prophets | Described as] "God's salvation" | x | Y (implied) | x | Lord - v. 31 | Christ - v. 31 | x | x | x | B & C - Some convinced; others refused to believe / the Gentiles will listen | Acts 28:17-31 | x | x | Declared the K of G | x | x | Repentance needed (implied in prophecy about unbelief) | x | x | x | x | Some called the way a "sect / Warning: prophecy about unbelief | x | x | Salv. sent to Gentiles; see/hear/understand assoc. w/ salvation |
Various | D | Short summary | Various | Various | Various | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | B - "Believing" the Bible, etc. | Various | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | General statement; no details |