Do you say that Jesus changes lives?
Then why are conditions inside the church no different than conditions
outside the church?
- Jesus doesn't change lives, and you are lying about God.
- There are lots of unsaved people in the church who think they are saved, and who are living in denial of their true spiritual condition.
We live in a day in which:
- People are more interested in feeling good about themselves, than they are in turning away from their sins.
- People don't want to hurt other's feelings, by telling them the truth about their condition.
When God changes people, he changes their attitudes and values. They want to follow Jesus, and they are willing to do so.
There are two types of "church-going sinners":
- Those who fall into sin, and who then regret it greatly and change their ways.
- Those who fall into sin, and who then make excuses and continue in their sins.
There are many examples of followers of God, who fell into sin - Peter, King David (Old Testament); the Corinthians; etc. –
What does the Bible say?
People will claim to follow God, even though they don't. They are liars who will be eternally condemned, unless they repent of their ways.
- Revelation 3:14-22; Titus 1:16; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 6:46-49; 1 John 2:4; Romans 8:5-8; Revelation 21:8.
A person who has become a follower of Jesus cannot continue in his old ways; he won't want to; and he won't choose to. More than that,
God, who does the changing, guarantees that it will be this way.
- Matthew 6:33; Mark 8:34-38; Philippians 1:6; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Hebrews 8:10 (relating Old Testament prophecy to the New
Testament fulfillment); 1 John 3:6-10.
How must you respond?
Don't excuse your sin… repent of it! Repentance includes a change in values and lifestyle.
Follow Jesus, not religion. Are you more interested in: 1) living in a way that honors Jesus, or 2) joining a Sunday morning "religion club"?
If you choose to follow Jesus, you will change. Why?
- Because you will believe what the Bible says about the need to change and the consequences of not doing so.
- Because you will have the power to do so.
- Because God guarantees it will happen.
You will change your attitude toward God.
- He will be more important to you, than anything else in your life.
- You will have a reverential attitude toward God – both the way you think about him, and the way you talk about him.
- You will care about God's Word – you will want to find out what it says
and do it.
- You will believe that what God says is true, and will trust him to keep his promises.
You will change your attitude toward people.
- You will want to do all the activities of life in a way that honors God and demonstrates love for other people.
- You will have a changed attitude toward authority – even the authority of your parents (if applicable).
- You will strive for purity in all areas – even in sexual matters.
- Your life will be characterized by truthfulness.
- You will be characterized by "giving" rather than by "taking."
- You will build-up others, rather than tearing them down.
Dennis Hinks © 2007