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1) PRAISE OF GOD - Psalm 71:8
- This praise resulted in words being spoken about God! It doesn't keep silent.
2) JOY
- Because of salvation: Acts 16:34; 1 Peter 1:8-9
- In persecution: Acts 13:50-52 (also filled with the Holy Spirit)
- The required way of life, as a Christian: Ephesians 5:18
- Associated with speaking/preaching [including rebuke!]: Acts 2:4; 4:8, 31; 9:17-20; 13:8-10
- In times of persecution: Acts 13:50-52 (also filled with joy)
4) THE FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS - Philippians 1:9-11
- Note that love, based on knowledge and insight, results in the discernment that is necessary for this "fruit of righteousness" to exist. Both love and knowledge/insight must exist... and there is a specific relationship between them. (The "love" is not nebulous or ambiguous, but is defined by the knowledge/insight.)
5) GRIEF (over the presence of sin) - 1 Corinthians 5:2
- A specific example given within this context.
6) AWE - Acts 2:42-47
- Awe because of what happens in a church, when it is truly focused on God. This is a result of godliness; it is not something we attempt to induce.
- If the "fillings" mentioned in the first 5 sections are present (including the "grief over sin," whenever sin makes its presence known), it would be difficult for this last "filling" to not be present!
- Unfortunately, this rarely happens today.
Dennis Hinks © 1992
(This study was based on the phrase "filled with," or something similar, as
used in the New International Version.)