Jesus was rich but chose to become poor, so that others could be made rich.
He did this for us. (2 Corinthians 8:9)
Paul, was a disciple of Jesus. He also became poor, so that others could
be made rich. (2 Corinthians 6:10)
There are many people who are poor, either by choice or by force. Many of
them are rich in God's eyes. What attitude do we have toward such people?
(James 2:5-6) Our attitude toward them is a reflection of our attitude toward
Jesus - even though we may claim otherwise. (Compare to Matthew 25:40, 45)
There are also many people who are rich in their own eyes, but not in God's.
(Compare to Revelation 3:17.)
Do you want to know where a person's heart is? Find out where he stores his
riches. (Matthew 6:19-24.)
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A person can be rich in different ways; he can be poor in different ways.
Where do we fit, in all of this?