Loving God With Our Minds
(a short overview)
1. Loving God with our mind - Luke 10:27
Who must do this? (Is there anyone who doesn't have an obligation to
do it?)
- How much of your mind?
2. The effect of sin on our minds - Romans 8:5-8
How does sin control us (and our minds)?
- Describe the contrasts between the mind controlled by sin and the
mind controlled by the Spirit.
3. We need "renewed" minds - Romans 12:1-2
- What are the results/benefits of a renewed mind?
- Note that the way we use our bodies must also be affected by
God's mercy. In what ways?
4. False thinking needs "conquered" - 2 Corinthians 10:5
What must we do? (Or: how must we do it?)
- Some of the Corinthians' false thinking, which needed to be
"demolished" (using God's methods - v. 3-4) is mentioned in
1 & 2 Corinthians. Are you aware of any false thinking (in your
own mind) that you must deal with? (What?)
5. We must think about good things - Philippians 4:8-9
What are some things you can think about, that fit this description?
- Also, a good attitude to have toward other people is seen in
Jesus' example - Philippians 2:1-11. What are some of the ways you
can follow his example?
6. For further thinking ...
What are some other verses you can find, which focus on this topic?
How can you apply them to your life?
Dennis Hinks © 1999