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It is natural for us to convince ourselves (or to be convinced by others) that our ways - the things we are doing - are right.
God sees past the pretension - he knows our heart & motives - Proverbs 16:2; 21:2.
In the long run, our natural choices will destroy us - Proverbs 14:12; 16:25.
Many proverbs call this the way (or path) of the fool - the spiritual and moral fool. The question is whether or not we are willing to change.
This willingness to change marks the difference between the wise person and the fool. Which one are you going to be?
The wise person will be willing to change (especially when that change is commanded by God!) - Proverbs 12:15.
Genuine knowledge and wisdom will begin with one's attitude toward God - Proverbs 1:7; 9:10. A person who ignores God may have some insights into various aspects of living (if his "insights" agree with God's Word), but in the end, he has chosen the path of the fool.
The way you live reflects your attitude toward God - Proverbs 14:2.
The way you live will ultimately determine God's attitude toward you - Proverbs 15:9.
In contrast to the way that comes natural to us, following God's way gets better and better - Proverbs 4:18
There will be trials and difficulties, because of the unjust world we
live in. There will be temptations and snares, which will try to pull
us back into the dark path of the fool. These things will not last
forever; but the path of the righteous, and the light of God's way, will.
Perhaps you can start by learning some of the basic principles of life - given in the book of Proverbs - and applying them to your life.
Some proverbs give commands. Some proverbs give warnings.
Some proverbs explain "the way it is": They give the reason that people of the world respond in certain ways - without encouraging us to follow in their path. Some proverbs show us "the way it should be."
Some proverbs tell us what results we can normally expect, for different ways of living. Some proverbs explain why things don't always work out as expected, in this present world of injustice.
All of the proverbs are from God, and the wise person will take heed to what they say.
Unlike the world's proverbs, God's proverbs are to be lived. They are not merely a list of recommendations or facts to memorize. They are to be lived in this present life; but their promises and blessings will last for eternity.
Dennis Hinks © 2004