CONTROL (See also "Self-Control")
[Note: the general concept of "control" is found in many
contexts, and can be translated in many different ways. Sometimes it
might not even be found in the original languages, but needs added
for smooth reading in the English language. (The idea might
be present, though the word isn't.) In these passages, the NIV
happened to use the word "control," though other words may
be equally acceptable.]
All things - under Jesus' control. Philippians 3:21 [subdue,
subject all things, bring under (his) authority]
- Clouds - under God's control Job 37:15 [command]
- Plagues - under God's control Revelation 16:9 [power/authority]
- Animals - put under Nebuchadnezzar's control (by God) Jeremiah
28:14 [(animals) "given" (to him, to serve him)]
The whole world system - controlled by the evil one. 1 John 5:19 [under
the power of...]
- Treasures of Egypt (etc.) - controlled by "self-exalting
king." Daniel 11:43 [have power over]
- The works of one's hands - controlled (after he dies) by the one
who inherits it - regardless of whether the inheritor is wise or
foolish. Ecclesiastes 2:19 [be master over] [RESULTS: There
is no "lasting meaning" in the works of one's hands.]
C. CONTROLLING OTHERS: nations/peoples/individuals being controlled
by others
In general - nations, etc., controlled by various leaders or by other
nations, etc. Joshua 18:1 [subdued]; 2 Samuel 8:1 & 1
Chronicles 18:1 [(take) from the hand/grip (of)]; 2 Samuel
8:3 & 1 Chronicles 18:3 [rule, dominion, power]; 1 Kings
11:24 [reigned, became king]; 2 Chronicles 17:5 [in his
hand (made secure)]; 25:3 [in his hand, well established]
- Specific individuals controlled by others
- Weak-willed women - controlled by apostates (people who claim to
be "Christian" but who have departed from the truth of
God). 2 Timothy 3:6 [captivate, get influence over, mislead]
- A husband "controlling" one's wife in a proper,
legitimate, and holy manner. [** Depends on the interpretation of the
word "vessel" - whether it is referring to the man, or to
his wife. (The other interpretation is mentioned in a section,
below.)] 1 Thessalonians 4:4 [possess, live with, acquire]
D. CONTROLLING SELF: control (or lack of it) over one's emotions/actions/words/self
A general example of being "out of control" (Israelites,
when sacrificing to the golden cow). Exodus 32:25 out of hand, wild]
- Controlling of one's emotions/temper
- Better than conquering a city. Proverbs 16:32 [slow to anger, patient]
- A characteristic of the wise man (not the fool). Proverbs 29:11[(he)
holds back (anger)]
- A specific instance in which lack of control was not
wrong: Unable to keep control of one's emotions (in an emotional
situation) - Joseph. Genesis 45:1
- Control of one's Body (focus = on sexual self-control)
- The need to control one's body in a proper, holy manner. [**
Depends on the interpretation of the word "vessel" -
whether it is referring to the man, or to his wife. (The other
interpretation is mentioned in a section, above.)] 1 Thessalonians
4:4 [possess, live with, acquire]
- Sexual self-control & marriage:
- If you have sexual self-control: a good reason to NOT marry. 1
Corinthians 7:37 [power (over his will/desires)]
- If you don't have sexual self-control: a good reason to
marry. 1 Corinthians 7:9 [self-control]
- Controlling one's "prophetic spirit"
- It is under the prophet's control. 1 Corinthians 14:32 [subject
(to their) control; subject (to them)]
of them controls us?]
Control by the Spirit
- It is true of all who have the Spirit of God/Christ.
Romans 8:9 [to be "in" (or) living by (the flesh - vs.
the Spirit)]
- The mind controlled by the Spirit contrasted with the mind of
sinful man: the first results in life/peace; the second in death.
Romans 8:6 [(a mind) set on (or) concerned with... (the flesh or Spirit)]
- The "control of righteousness" - does not effect those
who are slaves to sin. Romans 6:20 [(free) "from" (or)
"in regard to" (its control); felt no obligation to do it
(that is, to do what is right)]
- Control by the flesh
- This once applied to us (and it resulted in fruit that
led to death). Romans 7:5 [(living) "in" (the flesh /
corrupt natural inclinations)]
- It is no longer true of us (who have the Spirit of
God/Christ). Romans 8:9 [to be "in" (or) living by (the flesh)]
- Those controlled by the flesh CANNOT please God. Romans 8:8 [to
be "in" (or) living by (the flesh)]
Dennis Hinks © 1999
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