(Selected passages only)
This study is based primarily on a New Testament word group (in the original Greek
language) that has the ideas of "fellowship" and of "sharing" something.
This concept can be translated in several ways, including words such as:
fellowship, share, participate, partnership, communion (i.e., having things
in common), companion, etc. [For the most part, the words will be translated
as "fellowship" or "sharing," in the following outline.]
PART 1 - Fellowship With God/Jesus
1 John 1:3,6-7 - Who our fellowship is with (the Father and the Son), and
how we know if our fellowship is genuine (or if our claim to have fellowship
is a lie).
2 Corinthians 13:14 - The Holy Spirit - the source of our fellowship, or
why fellowship is possible.
PART 2 - Results of This Fellowship (With God/Jesus)
A. What We Won't Have Fellowship With
- 1 Timothy 5:22; Revelation 18:4 - The sins of others.
- 2 Corinthians 6:14; Ephesians 5:11 - Darkness & its fruit/deeds.
[NOTE: It is mandatory that we avoid these things. Compare these verses to 1
John 1:5 - 2:1+.]
B. What We Will Have Fellowship or Association With
- Things that people tend to like, things that are enjoyable [Note contexts
of each verse]
- Romans 15:27a - The Gentiles (non-Jews): sharing in the Jews' spiritual
blessings. [But note also the obligations they have - v.27b.]
- 1 Corinthians 9:23 - Sharing in (the gospel's) blessings. [But see the context
for what the apostle does, in order to be able to share.]
- Philippians 1:7 - Sharing in God's grace.
- 2 Peter 1:4 - Sharing/participating in the divine nature, etc. [This has
to do with moral character.]
- 1 Peter 5:1 - Sharing in Christ's glory (to be revealed in the future).
- Revelation 1:9 - Sharing in Christ's kingdom. [This verse also includes some
things listed in the next section.]
- Things that we tend to NOT like, but which are just as much a
of life in Christ, as the benefits we DO like. [In addition,
these things
are often "prerequisites" for many of the benefits that we do like!]
- Philippians 3:10; 1 Peter 4:13 - Sharing in Christ's sufferings.
- Revelation 1:9 - Sharing in suffering and patient endurance.
- Fellowship with people - see next section
PART 3 -
Fellowship With People
A. "Reciprocal" Fellowship [Can be Initiated by Either (or Both) of the
- Acts 2:42 - Fellowship with each other.
- Philemon 6 - The sharing of one's faith [As used here, the term "sharing
the faith" does not refer to "soul-winning" (which some people call "sharing
the faith"), but to the day-to-day expression of one's faith, within the
community of believers. It is connected with the love we must have for God's
people (our spiritual brothers and sisters).]
- [See also 1 John 1:3; compare with Acts 2:44, Acts 4:32; illustration: Luke
5:10 ("partners").]
B. "Directional" Fellowship [Can Only be Initiated by One of the
- Sharing of material possessions
- Romans 12:13 - Sharing believers who are in need. [In this passage: focus
is on sharing with believers.]
- 1 Timothy 6:18; Hebrews 13:16 - Sharing with others.
- Additional comments about this type of sharing:
- [NOTE that it is a mandatory activity, not an optional one
that we can close our eyes
to. However, there are some restrictions, such as seen in 2 Thessalonians
- Romans 15:26; 2 Corinthians 8:4 - Illustrations of this type of sharing.
- 2 Corinthians 9:13 - Results of this type of sharing.
Dennis Hinks © 1993