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Our theme verse for this study is from Acts 17:24-25. In the New International Version, it is translated:

The New Living Translation reads this way:


Some Things to Think About - The Scripture passages listed below may provide answers to these questions.

  •  Does God have an obligation to give us these gifts? Or does he simply do it as an expression of love?

  • What do we deserve? If we get what we deserve, do we have a right to complain? [Note that the word "grace," which occurs in some of the following Scripture passages, means "undeserved kindness."]


His Gifts and Our Response


Making it "Real" - Unless we are willing to apply these things to our lives, they really don't have much value. God may still us show his kindness (especially through the types of gifts that are available to anyone). But in the end, we will lose out.

  • How have you been responding to God's kindness? Are there ways you can improve your response? Are there ways you need to totally change your response?

  • What are some specific ways you would like to respond to God's kindness this coming week?

  •  If you are not a recipient of God's special gifts, are you willing to be? Reread the passages which focus on those gifts, and see what they tell you about salvation. You will need to start trusting him and allowing him to change you, so you can begin to obey him. Also, you should start reading his Word on a regular basis (perhaps beginning with the New Testament), so that you can learn what it means to "follow Jesus."


Some of the passages do not contain information for all three columns.
(Note that the column about WHY he gives us the gifts focuses on God, and the column about HOW we should respond focuses on us.)


Scripture Passage

WHAT He Gives Us

WHY He Gives It to Us

HOW We Should Respond









As indicated, Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

As indicated, Scripture taken from the Holy Bible. New Living Translation
copyright © 1996 Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers.

Dennis Hinks © 2004