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"technical note" about Ps 145:3)

Meditation ... on what?
Meditation with an OBJECTIVE


PART 1 - Meditation on God's Word

A. Focusing on God's Word


B. RESULTS of meditating on the Word: Will be prosperous/successful


C. RESULTS of meditating on the Word: Being blessed


D. NOTE: Results of understanding God's Word (which can occur when we meditate on it):

PART 2 - Meditation on God / His Works / His Wonders

A. Meditation on God (a general statement)


B. Meditation on God's Wonders


C. Meditation on God's Unfailing Love


D. Meditation on God's Wonderful Works


E. Meditation on God's past works ... resulting in a present expectation of amazing works by God.

PART 3 - Meditation on Our Dependence on God

Psalm 49:3 "The utterance (or meditation), from my heart will give understanding"


  1. What God is like? In some sections of this study (such as Psalm 19), we have focused on the issue of God being revealed in Creation. We can get a glimpse of his power, wisdom and glory by looking at what he has done in creation. But until his Word changes our lives and minds, we cannot see these things in the way we ought to see them. What is the relationship between God and his Word? What are some of the things that are revealed about him in the Psalms you have been studying (and any other parts of the Bible you may wish to include). Such things had an effect on the lives (and lifestyles) of those who wrote the psalms. How can/should they have an effect on you?

  2. In Psalm 48, note some of the issues which form the context of God's expression of love. Many people find some of these things to be "unacceptable" - incompatible with their view of what God is like. Where is our concept of God supposed to come from? In your studies, have you found any characteristics of God that surprised you, or were contrary to your expectations? If so, look for other passages which say similar things, and try to develop a better understanding of them. You may want to study the way Scripture connects these "unexpected" characteristics with those you are already familiar with. (It doesn't treat them like conflicting "opposites"!)

  3. How often do you think about God's power and works? How did such thoughts influence the psalmists? Learn from their example! Begin thinking about God's power and work, and how it ought to effect your own perspective on situations. Furthermore, consider not only his works in the world around you, but also his work inside you, in making you Christ-like! What is he doing in your life? See Romans 8:28-31 and Philippians 1:6.

  4. Study Psalm 49. Describe the ways the psalmist contrasts those who trust in God with those who trust in themselves and in their riches. What is the end result of each type of trust? What do you trust in? Is there anything in your life that might resemble the one who trusts in himself and in riches? It might be good to look for other verses that describe the "rich," to make sure that we are heeding any warnings that Scriptures may give us. (All of us who are reading this study would probably be considered "rich," compared to most of the people in the world.)

Dennis Hinks © 1996, 2004