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The "Glory Manifesto"

•    I want God's glory to be the goal of my life.

-    I consider his glory to be more important than my own personal goals for life.

-    I want his will to be done, even if it is not what I might desire.

-    I want his will to be done, even if he chooses to use and to bless others more than me.

•    I am willing to freely, and honestly, confess my sin.

-    To God, and (when applicable) to people I have sinned against.

•    I am willing to trust God in all things and at all times.

-    Even when the outcome looks uncertain and bleak.

•    I want God's glory to be exalted in all the earth.

-    I am greatly distressed when people dishonor the God who created them.

•    I want to have a fruitful life.

-    The result of a life of righteousness and obedience.

•    I will be content in whatever circumstances God places me.

-    Even if it is not the life I would prefer.

•    I will "work out" my salvation - that is, I will grow in my obedience.

-    Knowing that God makes this growth possible.

•    I want to use my skills and abilities in a way that honors God.

-    As God's representative, the world will learn about God through me.

•    I will rejoice, because God is in control of my life.

-    Though I often fail to understand what he is doing.

•    I will stand up for God's truth.

-    It is the foundation for all that I am in Christ.

•    I will be filled with praise and thanks to God.

-    Not only for what he does, but because of who he is.

•    I want to promote God's glory in any way that I can.

-    I plan to go beyond mere talk; otherwise I am dishonoring God.

•    I want to live "everyday life" in a way that honors God.

-    This includes the so-called "minor" things of life.

•    I want to share the good news with others.

-    Working together with other believers, since God gives different people different gifts.

•    I am willing to suffer for Jesus, whether in life or in death.

-    An expression of love for him who suffered so much more for me!

•    I will admit that God is the source of all that is truly good in my life.

-    There is no other kind of genuine goodness.

•    I will pursue holiness as God's calling out of a morally corrupt world.

-    The one who called me can be trusted.


Dennis Hinks © 2015

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