Hamstringing Animals

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Related to the wanton cruelty of a violent person's nature

Simeon and Levi hamstring cattle/oxen

Wanton cruelty to animals is condemned by God. Genesis 49:5-7 (part of Jacob's prophetic blessing of the tribes of Israel) illustrates God's displeasure in those who do this. Simeon and Levi's cruelty had consequences that would impact their offspring throughout all generations. (Their offspring would be scattered among the other tribes, rather than having specific territories allotted to them.)

  • Note that these two individuals were also violent in their treatment of humans. Cruelty was one of their character traits.

Related to instruments of war

When God delivered a wicked nation into Israel's hands, the major instruments of war needed to be destroyed. This meant that chariots had to be destroyed. However, the war horses were not killed, but were made incapable of being used in battle. The means of doing this was by cutting one of the tendons (or nerves?) that enabled them to move about swiftly during battle.

  • Note that horses were primarily used as weapons of war, unlike oxen (mentioned above), which were used for doing good. They were killing instruments used for the destruction of humans, not household pets! They knew no other type of life.
  • One additional reason for doing this might be due to the fact that Israel would be tempted to use them, and would eventually stop trusting God for protection. (This eventually happened, during the times of the kings.)

God commanded Joshua to do it; Joshua obeyed

A large number of armies had gathered together to wage war against Israel; so that their combined forces far outnumbered Israel. God told Joshua that he would deliver those armies into the hands of the Israelites - and also that the Israelites were to destroy the enemy's weapons of war.

Later, David partly obeyed

David partly obeyed, but spared 100 of the war horses for use with chariots.

Later kings would keep the war horses, build up large armies, and trust in their own power for protection, rather than trusting in God. (A later reference to the Israelite use of horses in warfare - 1 Kings 22:4.)

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Joshua 11:4-9

God commanded that they hamstring the horses. This would prevent their use in battle.
This was not the same as the situation in Genesis 49:6, in which hamstringing animals (oxen) was an expression of cruelty. In Genesis, it was done as a crude form of entertainment. Here, it was done in order to prevent their use in the killing of humans.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.