Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


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This tree was located in the Garden of Eden.

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Genesis 2:4-25

Gen 2:9 ... the tree of the knowledge of good and evil = in the garden.
Gen 2:16-17 Yahweh God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it; for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die."

Genesis 3:1-24

An account of how they willfully ate from this tree, and discovered that God was truthful. (The snake said that God was lying.)
v. 3 - "Don't touch!" - The concept of "touching" (mentioned by the woman, but not part of God's statement in Genesis 2:17) is not a distortion or lie. The Hebrew concept of "touch" often has the meaning of "taking it for one's self" - and actually shows that the woman clearly understood the instructions.
Contrary to popular opinion, nothing in the passage says it was an apple!
The issue with this fruit that it was associated with a moral command. (All the fruit in the garden was good for food and delightful to the eyes.)
It was not a difficult test, to choose between eating and not eating. We cannot accuse God of giving them a task that was too difficult to obey!
Physical activities (such as eating something) can have moral implications! In the New Testament, we are even told to eat and drink in a way that honors God! (1 Corinthians 10:31)
v. 7 - Part of what the devil said was true! Their eyes WERE opened! But it would have happened either way - either opened to the blessings and joys of obedience (the results of the choice they did not take), OR open to the horrors of disobedience - sin and all its consequences.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.