Third World Ecosystem

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


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This is the "world" we currently live in.

Continuity and discontinuity

  • The geography of the earth has radically changed; the relationship to animals has changed.
  • Interactions with plants, natural resources, etc., have not necessarily changed. Many skills developed prior to this time can be used to live under the new conditions.
  • Some geographical features of the "new" world are named after features in the "old" world.

Judgments and time periods

There were two additional judgments within this time frame:

  • The Confusion of Languages - Before this judgment, all humans had the same language and speech. Because of this judgment, the language was confused and the people were scattered "abroad on the surface of all the earth."

This present "world" can also be divided into three time periods, based on the concept of "covenant."

  • The Pre-Covenant Era - Before the Law (Old Covenant) was given to Israel. (Other covenants did exist - and are still in effect today.)
  • The Old Covenant Era - The Law given to Israel. (This was replaced by the New Covenant, because Israel almost constantly violated its terms.)
  • The New Covenant Era - After Jesus' resurrection. (God "embeds" his Law in the hearts of those who follow Jesus.)

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Genesis 2:4-25

Names of some rivers in the First and Second World Ecosystems. These are not necessarily the same rivers as we see today. This is a written record of a pre-Flood account. The post-Flood rivers (in the Third World Ecosystem) could have been so named because of the familiarity of the pre-Flood names (just like early American settlers often named places after the places in Europe they were familiar with).

Genesis 8:1-22

Transition into the Third World Ecosystem. (Flood waters receding, etc.)
God's promise:
  • There will be no additional curse and no more global Floods caused by human sin. (Some believe that the original curse may have been lessened in intensity.)
  • Instead, there will be cycles of planting/harvest, cold/heat, summer/winter and day/night (the same thing we read about in Ecclesiastes). This will continue as long as the earth remains - at least the present earth (which we know will be destroyed in a future judgment).
The command for all the creatures on the ark to be fruitful, and multiply on the earth.

Genesis 9:1-29

Animals can be eaten; capital punishment because humans were made in God's image.
Again the command: Be fruitful and multiply. Bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply in it.
A promise to never again destroy the earth by a global flood; rainbow = sign of the promise.

Genesis 10:1-32

How the descendants of Noah spread out in the early centuries of the Third World Ecosystem.

Genesis 11:1-9

The confusion of languages: This event occurred a few generations after the start of the Third World Ecosystem (perhaps during the life of Peleg Genesis 10:25), and is the reason for the "Table of Nations" in chapter 10.

Genesis 11:10-32

Lifespans drop drastically, because of the highly truncated gene pool, as well as (probably) many of the other environmental changes.
Even so, the gene pool at the beginning of this Third World was sufficiently large (and free from mutations) that marriage to relatively close relatives would not result in genetic problems. (Example - Marriage Within the Line of Terah.)

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.