The Need for Reminders

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The purpose of reminders is to bring to one's attention something that is important. It may be something that the person already knows, but it needs to be in the forefront of their thinking.

The need for reminders seems especially true when the issue has to do with something that people tend to view as "negative," such as judgment and warnings about false teachers. (From God's standpoint, such warnings are not "negative"; but influences from the world around us may give some people a tendency to view them as such.)

The Apostle Peter's Focus on "Reminders"

The apostle Peter frequently reminded people of things they already knew. In the following passages, we read about some of the things he reminded people about, as well as the reason for reminders. Each of these passages use the word "reminder" (or equivalent).

  • In 2 Peter 1:12-15, Peter tells the importance of reminders. In that context, the focus of his reminder is on: 1) how followers of Jesus must live (previous verses), and 2) how false teachers would come and distort this truth (chapter 2).
  • In 2 Peter 3:1, Peter tells us that both of his letters were intended as reminders.
The themes of 1 Peter include: 1) the wonders of salvation, 2) the anticipation of suffering for Jesus in this present life, and 3) how to live in this present life.
In the immediate context of the verse in 2 Peter 3, the emphasis is on: 1) how the wicked will mock the promise that Jesus is returning to judge the world, and 2) the judgment will come in spite of their mocking.

Some Other New Testament Passages which Focus on "Reminders"

  • A similar focus on judgment (also with the word "remind") is found in Jude 1:5.
  • An example of the apostle Paul reminding people of something they already knew is found in Acts 20:29-31. We read that he warned about false teachers ("wolves") night and day for the space of three years!

Old Testament Examples

Things were often used as symbols to remind the people of something. A few selected examples are given here:

  • Circumcision was intended to be a perpetual reminder of Abraham's (and his offspring's) commitment to God - Genesis 17:10-14. (Unfortunately, many in Israel focused more on the ritual than on the commitment it was intended to remind them of. Eventually they began to think that the ritual itself was all that mattered.)

Further Comments

  • Many of the ceremonial rituals and symbols of the Old Testament were given as reminders.
  • Here is a potential application of this concept: Remember these things when the preacher repeats himself!


Scripture Passages that Refer to this Page

2 Peter 1:12-15

The readers already knew the things Peter was reminding them about; in fact, they were firmly established in them. Nevertheless, Peter needed to keep warning them; a failure to do so would have been an act of negligence!

2 Peter 3:1-7

(See above comments.)

Psalm 78:1-72

This psalm is a reminder of God's faithfulness and power, contrasted to the people's continued rebellion. The purpose of the reminder was so that the children would not follow their parent's (ancestor's) examples; but would place their hope/trust in God and would obey him.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.