The Fountains of the Deep

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

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This concept has to do with water coming from the ground. The word "fountains" can include springs and wells. But specific references to the "fountains of the deep" have to do with much larger quantities of water than what normally comes from a spring or well.

"The fountains of the deep" are described as one of the two causes of the Flood - probably the more significant one, as far as volume of water is concerned. They "burst open."

We are told that the phenomenon occurred, but we are not told what caused it to occur. (It could have been a naturally-occurring event, such as a meteor strike; but this would be only a theory.) As with other events in Scripture, we are given the information we need, not necessarily the information we want.

At the time of the Flood, the "fountains of the deep" broke open. The ground collapsed, and the waters that burst forth. These waters are probably the source of the oceans that now exist.

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Genesis 7:1-24

The fountains of the deep (underground water sources) burst open. This would have been accompanied by massive tectonic activity - earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
The sky's "windows" were opened. The rain came plummeting to the earth - not a gentle rain or even a "normal" downpour.

Genesis 8:1-22

God made a wind to pass over the earth. The waters subsided. The deep's fountains and the sky's windows were also stopped, and the rain from the sky was restrained.

Psalm 33:1-22

Psa 33:7 He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap. He lays up the deeps in storehouses.
"The deeps" - This may include the depths of the visible waters (now called the seas and oceans); but it probably also includes the underground water sources, such as aquifers (and any other ways the water may be stored). It was this underground water that would have been the source of the "fountains of the deep" that burst forth at the time of the Flood.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.