Serpent / Snake

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


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[represents Satan - see Revelation]

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Genesis 3:1-24

Initial reference to a snake. It was physically different from what we see today. Also, was able to communicate with the woman (whether it was the nature of things prior to the Fall, or if it was due to being empowered by the Devil).
We may have a lot of questions about details that are not described here. Why was the woman not surprised when the serpent started talking? (Was it that she didn't know better? Or was there some form of normal communication between people and animals, which doesn't occur today?) Whatever the answer, we need to realize that God gives us what we need, not what we might want to know.
Physically changed by the curse.

Numbers 21:4-9

God sent poisonous snakes to punish the people. But he also provided an opportunity for them to be healed, if they would trust him to heal them (by looking at a bronze snake that Moses hung on a pole).

Deuteronomy 8:1-20

God led Israel through a dry wilderness filled with snakes (and took care of them).

Isaiah 30:1-33

(v. 6) ... the land of ... the viper and fiery flying serpent, ...
"Flying" serpents - Though the word "flying" is normally used to describe the way birds travel through the air, it also is used to describe the quick back-and-forth motion of a sword (Ezekiel 32:10, "brandish"), or the darting motion of a snake (here, and in Isaiah 14:29). The snakes described in this passage are venomous ("fiery").

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.