Psalm 8:1-9

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  • God created humans to rule over the earth, under God. As acknowledged in Hebrews, we do not yet see this happening (not since sin entered the world). But these Scriptures have been fulfilled in Christ... and it's only a matter of time, until they are fulfilled in us, who are his people.

Details and/or Comments

  • David may have written this after observing the sky on a bright, clear night.


Psalm 8:1-9 – The ruler of the earth

Scripture Passage Comments and Links
Psa 8:1 Yahweh, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth, who has set your glory above the heavens!

Psa 8:2 From the lips of babes and infants you have established strength [OR: praise (for his strength)], because of your adversaries, that you might silence the enemy and the avenger.

"Name" represents the person and everything about him. God - his fame, reputation and person - is described as "majestic." His name is majestic throughout the earth - whether or not people acknowledge it! (For that matter, his glory is so great that it is more than even the heavens can contain.)

In Psalm 8, much of the focus is on the "heavens" that we describe as "space" - the place where the stars and moon are located.

Though God's greatness goes far beyond the heavens, here on earth, even the weak can praise him.

God has chosen the weak (who acknowledge God's greatness) to shame those who oppose God and who exalt themselves above him. The praise of the weak ("babes and infants") is an expression of strength, that shines "brighter" than all the "darkness" of God's enemies. (Maybe we could compare their confession to the "tiny" stars, which shine forth gloriously in the vast darkness of space - the focus of the next verse!)

Psa 8:3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained;

Psa 8:4 what is man, that you think of him? What is the son of man, that you care for him?

Consider the greatness of God's works in the sky (the whole visible universe of stars), and remember that God's glory is greater.

Then look at how "little" we are, in comparison. Why would God focus so much attention on humans (who live on the tiny speck called "earth")?

Psa 8:5 For you have made him a little lower than God [OR: heavenly beings], and crowned him with glory and honor. "A little lower than God..." - Some translations have "angels" or "heavenly beings," instead of "God." (And Hebrews 2:7, which quotes from the Greek translation of this verse, uses "angels.") It is an interpretation issue, for though the Hebrew word for "God" is often used in reference to Yahweh, it is occasionally used of other beings that are powerful or mighty, and even for imaginary beings that supposedly have such characteristics (such as, the false gods of the nations).

We humans are "down here," made from the dust of the earth (and all the lowliness that may be implied by that). God and the angels are "up there" in heaven and in God's very presence (with all the "exaltedness" that may be implied by that). Yet in spite of our lowliness, God has given us a glory and honor that is not shared with any other creature. (The next few verses describe what that is.)

Psa 8:6 You make him ruler over the works of your hands. You have put all things under his feet:

Psa 8:7 All sheep and cattle, yes, and the animals of the field,

Psa 8:8 The birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and whatever passes through the paths of the seas.

God has placed us above the rest of the creatures he made, with the task of ruling over them, in God's behalf!

As a prophecy, this is already fulfilled in Jesus Christ. It is only partly fulfilled in the rest of us - but when Jesus returns, the fulfillment will be complete.

Psa 8:9 Yahweh, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

8:1-9  •  18:1-19  •  19:1-14  •  24:1-10  •  33:1-22  •  37 (selected verses)  •  44:1-3  •  65:5-13  •  67:1-7  •  72:1-20  •  78:1-72  •  89:11-12  •  90:2  •  90:10  •  95:1-11  •  102:25-28  •  104:1-35  •  105:1-45  •  106:1-48  •  127:1-5  •  107:1-43  •  135:1-21  •  139:1-24  •  146:1-10  •  147:1-20  •  148:1-14

Scripture Passages
(Only books that have relevance to this study have active links. The others are in italics.)

Genesis  •  Exodus  •  Leviticus  •  Numbers  •  Deuteronomy  •  Joshua  •  Judges  •  Ruth  •  1 Samuel  •  2 Samuel  •  1 Kings  •  2 Kings  •  1 Chronicles  •  2 Chronicles  •  Ezra  •  Nehemiah  •  Esther  •  Job  •  Psalms  •  Proverbs  •  Ecclesiastes  •  Song of Solomon  •  Isaiah  •  Jeremiah  •  Lamentations  •  Ezekiel  •  Daniel  •  Hosea  •  Joel  •  Amos  •  Obadiah  •  Jonah  •  Micah  •  Nahum  •  Habakkuk  •  Zephaniah  •  Haggai  •  Zechariah  •  Malachi

Matthew  •  Mark  •  Luke  •  John  •  Acts  •  Romans  •  1 Corinthians  •  2 Corinthians  •  Galatians  •  Ephesians  •  Philippians  •  Colossians  •  1 Thessalonians  •  2 Thessalonians  •  1 Timothy  •  2 Timothy  •  Titus  •  Philemon  •  Hebrews  •  James  •  1 Peter  •  2 Peter  •  1 John  •  2 John  •  3 John  •  Jude  •  Revelation

—— To avoid any copyright issues, all Scripture is either from a public domain translation (such as the World English Bible), my own translation, or a combination of these. ——
The name "Yahweh," when present in an Old Testament passage, represents the Hebrew name for the God of the Bible.
Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.