Pleasure (as a Lifestyle)

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


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See also: A Prodigal Lifestyle. (These two pages overlap and may be combined.)

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Ecclesiastes 2:1-26

As a lifestyle, it is folly and an empty way of life. It is prodigal and consumes one's resources.
As the result or fruit of a productive lifestyle, it is a good thing. It is a gift from God - a gift that ought to be enjoyed! (This second type of pleasure is also related to contentment.)

Isaiah 5:1-30

One of the sins of the people: A prodigal lifestyle. They were more interested in parties, revelry and pleasure, than in the ways of God. (This would also be reflected in the way they treated - oppressed - other people.)
Even when pleasure is legitimate, the ways of God must take precedence and define the nature of that pleasure.

Isaiah 24:1-23

(prophecy) Joy will turn to gloom, etc. A pictorial description of the end of all joy and merriment. The emphasis here may be on what happens to those who's lives are focused more on frivolous things, rather than on God. (Note the contrast to v. 14, which focuses on people who will give praise and honor to God.)

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.