
From Eco-Bible 1
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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


Parent Topic
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Related Topics
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Links to Additional Materials
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Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Psalm 72:1-20

The righteous king's rule will result in peace.
Psa 72:7 In his days, the righteous shall flourish, and abundance of peace, until the moon is no more (= symbolical for "forever").

Isaiah 32:9-20

When the Spirit comes, his presence will affect the environment, but the Spirit will also affect moral values and conduct. Justice and righteousness will be present.
The end result will be peace and safety - something that will not happen before that time. Many people cry out for peace; but it can be attained only indirectly - by the pursuit of righteousness.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.