Isaiah 48:9-11

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  • It was for God's own sake, not Israel's, that he did not destroy them.

Details and/or Comments

Though these promises are not explicitly mentioned here, they are the reason for what he says in this passage.
  • God also warned Israel, through Moses, about the judgment that would come upon them, as well as their later return to the land. See: Leviticus 26:1-45; also Deuteronomy 29:1-29 (the judgment) and Deuteronomy 30:1-20 (their return). These warnings were given so that Israel would not have to experience judgment, if they would heed the warnings. But since they chose to ignore them, the warnings were prophetic in nature.


Isaiah 48:9-11 – Why Israel isn't cut-off? For the sake of God's name/honor, not theirs!

Scripture Passage Comments and Links
Isa 48:9 For my name's sake will I defer my anger, and for my praise will I refrain for you, that I not cut you off. Because of who God is - everything about him.
  • God's Faithfulness - Since his nature and character ("name") do not change, he will do exactly as he promised, centuries before.
Isa 48:10 Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have chosen you in the furnace of affliction. They deserved destruction, but God would use their judgment to purify them, instead, even though they didn't deserve it.
Isa 48:11 For my own sake, for my own sake, will I do it; for why should my name be profaned? and my glory I will not give to another. If God did not keep his promise, his reputation would be defamed. His credibility would be no better than that of the false gods.

1:11-17  •  2:19-22  •  5:1-30  •  6:9-13  •  10:1-23  •  11:1-16  •  22:9-14  •  24:1-23  •  25:1-12  •  26:19-21  •  30:1-33  •  31:1-9  •  32:9-20  •  33:1-24  •  34:1-17  •  35:1-10  •  45:18  •  46:5-13  •  48:9-11  •  51:19-23  •  55:12-13  •  56:1-2  •  57:1-2  •  58:1-14  •  59:14-21  •  60:19-22  •  65:17-25

Scripture Passages
(Only books that have relevance to this study have active links. The others are in italics.)

Genesis  •  Exodus  •  Leviticus  •  Numbers  •  Deuteronomy  •  Joshua  •  Judges  •  Ruth  •  1 Samuel  •  2 Samuel  •  1 Kings  •  2 Kings  •  1 Chronicles  •  2 Chronicles  •  Ezra  •  Nehemiah  •  Esther  •  Job  •  Psalms  •  Proverbs  •  Ecclesiastes  •  Song of Solomon  •  Isaiah  •  Jeremiah  •  Lamentations  •  Ezekiel  •  Daniel  •  Hosea  •  Joel  •  Amos  •  Obadiah  •  Jonah  •  Micah  •  Nahum  •  Habakkuk  •  Zephaniah  •  Haggai  •  Zechariah  •  Malachi

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—— To avoid any copyright issues, all Scripture is either from a public domain translation (such as the World English Bible), my own translation, or a combination of these. ——
The name "Yahweh," when present in an Old Testament passage, represents the Hebrew name for the God of the Bible.
Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.