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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


Parent Topic
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Related Topics
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Links to Additional Materials
  • c

See Judgment for a list of pages related to this general topic.

The book of Job studies the issue of justice vs. injustice. Throughout the book, two focuses can be seen (which emphasize different aspects of reality):

  1. “God blesses the righteous and destroys the wicked.” This is contrasted to:
  2. “There is injustice in the world, which results in the wicked experiencing blessings and the righteous being destroyed!”

Both statements are true and they complement each other. The issue is how they fit together.

Ever notice this? The wicked tend to want justice, if someone has wronged them; but they get offended at the idea of justice when it involves sins they have committed against God! Yet this is the greater injustice!

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Exodus 23:1-9

No slander or false testimony. / No yielding to peer pressure. / No favoritism, for or against the poor. / Do not participate in false judging, or allow yourself to be influenced in that direction.

Deuteronomy 24:6, 10-22

Maintain justice for all, including the weak, the outcast, etc. Follow God's example.

Job 1 & 2

Job was a man of integrity, righteous, blameless, fearing God, etc. Yet he would loose all that he had (including his health) and appear to be a person who was under the judgment of God, because of extreme wickedness.

Job 4:7-9

The real issues (in Job's case) had to do with: 1) injustice and 2) trust in God; not "reaping what you sow."

Job 5:17-27

The real issues (in Job's case) had to do with: 1) injustice and 2) trust in God; not "Accept God's correction and you will be blessed!"

Job 21:7-34

Examples that demonstrate Job's claim: The wicked tend to have a wonderful life.

Job 34:10-30

God judges without favoritism.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

When God's sovereignty is mentioned, people often raise questions about all the injustice in the world. How should we respond? We should acknowledge that injustice does exist. We need to also acknowledge this: Based on the nature and character of God, we can say with confidence that God will someday judge the world. The "time" (v. 1) will come. (For justice to not occur, God would have to deny his own nature and character, something he cannot do!)

Isaiah 5:1-30

One of the people's sins (especially the leadership): No regard for justice.
Unjust judges. Not only is their judgment easily swayed by drink and bribery... but they love to have it that way!

Isaiah 10:1-23

Isa 10:1-2a - Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, and to the writers who write oppressive decrees; to deprive the needy from justice, and to rob the poor among my people of their rights, ...
God would destroy the nation because of such sins.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.