God as Both Unity and Plurality

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


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These notes were copied from another page, with the purpose of using them later. They are fragmentary comments, and do not present the whole issue.

Also, links to already-published articles may be included.

The word for "God" is plural. (Some may argue that it's just a "plural of majesty" and that many ancient kings used to address themselves in such a manner. It is true that, many centuries later, and after sin entered the world, human rulers would sometimes address themselves as "plural"; but at this point, such was not the case.)
Both Old and New Testaments speak of "God," the "Word (or speech) of God," and the "Spirit of God." These are all defined as "God" - though there are verses in which they are distinguished. Even in Genesis 1, we have reference to "God" (v. 1), the Word (speech) of God (v. 3, etc.), and the Spirit of God (v. 2). Furthermore, there are numerous references (some in the Old Testament and many in the New Testament), which describe each of these as "God" or as "Deity." This is significant, especially when we realize that the Bible places only God in the category of "Deity." (All others are considered fakes.)

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Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.