Water Vapor Canopy Theory

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A possible theory?

This is thought by some to be a feature of Day 2 of Creation, involving "the waters which were above the expanse [sky]." On that day. God separated the waters into two layers: 1) the waters on the earth, and 2) the waters above the sky (Genesis 1:6-8). According to this view, this layer of water "above the sky" is not a reference to clouds, but to a layer of water vapor or ice crystals much higher than the clouds.

They would argue that this layer was the source of the water that rained down on the earth for 40 days and nights (in addition to the initial deluge that resembled an opening of a floodgate). The layer would have to be thick enough that it could accommodate all the water that would be needed to accomplish this. (There is not enough water in the currently-existing clouds to do this.) Such a layer would be transparent (being comprised of small ice crystals or vapor).

With this layer totally surrounding the earth (like a canopy), it would act like a greenhouse, spreading out the sun's heat, so that it was warm at the poles, and not too hot at the equator. (This agrees with the observable fossil record - fossilized tropical plants and animals can be found at both of the earth's poles.) It would also act like a filter, keeping out the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays - and this would influence the genetics of all living organisms (such as resulting in fewer harmful mutations), as well as possibly influencing the longevity and sizes of the creatures that were alive.

But Did it Happen?

Many features of this theory seem to fit the known historical data found in Scripture, as well as the scientific implications of that data. However, that alone does not prove that it actually happened this way. Some researchers, using computer models to explore the implications of such a layer, have suggested that the amount of water that needed for creating 40 days of rain (assuming most of the water came from this layer) would be so great, that the "greenhouse effect" would have been too much for the earth - that the conditions would have been too hot for life to exist!

If these computer models are correct, it is best to consider other possibilities. The issue isn't that we don't know what happened. Rather, it's just that we are just exploring scientific possibilities of how it might have happened. When we discover new information that causes potential theories to no longer fit the known facts (Scripture and provable scientific data), there is no harm in looking for other options. We do not have to be like many in the world, who desperately cling to worthless hypotheses, because they don't want to consider the possibility that Scripture is actually presenting an accurate historical description of what happened (2 Peter 3:1-7)!

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

Describes Day 2 of creation. God separated the waters into two layers: 1) the waters on the earth, and 2) the waters in the sky.

Genesis 7:1-24

Describes the "deluge" that covered the earth. There were two recorded causes, one of which involved the waters in the sky. Gen 7:11b-12 ... the sky's windows were opened. The rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights. (The "fountains of the deep" - underground aquifers - also burst open.)

Genesis 8:1-22

Describes the waters receding from the earth.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.