Values Hierarchy

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


Parent Topic
  • a
Related Topics
  • b
Links to Additional Materials
  • c

See also: Values.

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Genesis 3:1-24

Once Eve ate the fruit, Adam had to make a choice: Would he side with God (his creator, who he was dependent on for his very existence) or his wife (a created being, God's gift to him, who had become united with him as one). In his decision, he turned his values upside-down: His wife and God now gave contradicting instructions... and he chose to listen to (and obey) his wife, instead of God.
One's true values are best seen when one has to choose between two of them.
The woman ate, having been deceived; the man ate knowing full well what he was doing. He made a willful choice to rebel against God.

Numbers 13 & 14 (selected)

The people had to choose between trusting God and fearing the huge people in Canaan. (There were probably only a few of those huge people in the land. Only a small number are mentioned in later books of the Bible.)

2 Samuel 23:13-17 & 1 Chronicles 11:15-19

The three mighty men valued King David so much, that they risked their lives to get him some water from a spring near Bethlehem. (This raised the value of the water to the level of their lives.)
David considered himself not worthy of something so valuable, so he gave it to God.

Psalm 139:1-24

There is a legitimate (and godly) form of hate. It's the same type of hate we are to have even for ourselves, when we are deciding whether or not to follow Jesus (Luke 14:26). It's a reflection of values: Any time we must choose between God and people (when we can't choose both), we must choose God.

Isaiah 1:11-17

Even when religious activities are obligatory, certain other obligations are much more important - such as the requirement to obey God, and to love God and neighbor. In this passage, the need for justice is strongly emphasized.

Isaiah 5:1-30

(Comment) Even when pleasure is legitimate, the ways of God must take precedence and define the nature of that pleasure.
A pleasure-oriented (prodigal) lifestyle was one of the sins of the people, described in this passage.

Micah 6:6-8

Mic 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good. What does Yahweh require of you, but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
These things take precedence over religious activities (even when those activities are required).

Isaiah 22:9-14

They chose pleasure and revelry (and trust in their own resources), rather than repentance (and trust in God).
Having chosen the way of death, they would never be forgiven, but would die in judgment.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.