The Moral Basis for Ecological Disaster

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The opposite concept: The Moral Basis for Ecological Blessings

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Genesis 6:1-8

Yahweh saw that the great wickedness and the constant 100% evil thinking. Results... it grieved him in his heart (that he had made humans). Therefore... "I will destroy them." (The air breathing creatures would also die.)
The reason for the flood: the moral condition of the people - constant evil. (This is God's evaluation. It does not mean that the people recognized themselves as evil. Evil people - then and now - normally don't.)

Genesis 6:9-22

Gen 6:11 The earth was corrupt, filled with violence. / "The need to end/terminate all flesh is now here. / the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
This is why the Flood was necessary. A repeat of the the concepts mentioned at the end of the previous account (beginning of chapter 6). Ecological disaster (judgment) must come because of the moral disaster that has occurred.

Genesis 13:1-18 and Genesis 19:1-29

Ch. 13 - Now the men of Sodom [where Lot decided to move] were exceedingly wicked and sinners against Yahweh. (Lot made a values judgment. His options were: 1) good land with wicked inhabitants, or 2) not-so-good land without the wicked inhabitants. Eventually he lived in Sodom.) He was willing to associate with the wicked; and in the end, he would lose everything he owned.
Ch. 19 - This ecological disaster could possibly be explained in part by natural causes. But regardless of the potential natural explanations for this disaster, the ultimate cause is related to their moral conduct. God providentially determined when the devastation would happen - and that it would coincide with the need for judgment.

Micah 7:13

Mic 7:13 Yet the land will be desolate because of those who dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings.
(In this context, the prophecy may be a reference to the lands surrounding Israel (at the time when Israel is restored). What had previously happened to Israel will now happen to Israel's enemies.)

Isaiah 24:1-23

(prophecy) The moral corruption of the people is the reason for the ecological devastation that will come. It will be a judgment from God. It will be global and will destroy most of the people on earth.
Isa 24:20 - The earth will stagger like a drunken man, and will sway back and forth like a hammock. Its disobedience will be heavy on it, and it will fall and not rise again. - The "earth's" disobedience (v. 20) refers to what the people have done, the evil that fills the earth at this time. Their wickedness is the reason for the judgment.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.