Messianic Prophecies

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


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(started w/ Isa. 11)

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Isaiah 11:1-16

Many of the prophecies in the book of Isaiah (including this passage) are messianic in nature. The New Testament shows that many of them were fulfilled in Jesus nearly 2000 years ago, and that others will be fulfilled at some point in the future.
A reference to a seemingly insignificant "branch" that would sprout up from the ruins of David's kingly lineage. (Jesse was David's father.) This is a messianic prophecy, which we now can see was a reference to Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 32:9-20

This chapter is a messianic prophecy about a coming righteous king and what will happen during his reign. At that time the distinction between righteousness and folly will be clearly seen and acknowledged. People will pursue righteousness, and this will affect all things... including the environment.
As with many other prophecies about future events, some verses have a connection to events that would occur during or soon after prophet's time of ministry. (Here, an example of this begins in verse 9.)

Isaiah 33:1-24

This chapter is connected with the previous chapter, a messianic prophecy. The reference to a king, mentioned in v. 17, looks forward to a future event (probably events related to the Fourth World Ecosystem, as described in chapter 32).

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.