Isaiah 31:1-9

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This page is on the 5 Worlds / 4 Judgments Temporary Worksheet.

Some aspects of this prophecy may be yet unfulfilled. (The connection between this chapter and chapter 30 also suggests this.)


  • Similar to chapter 30, warning Judah to put their trust in God, rather than in humans (i.e., Egypt and its military capabilities).
  • God will destroy those who trust in humans (rather than in God). He will also destroy Judah's enemies - and will do so without human help.
This demonstrates the superiority of God's weakness (as Judah viewed it) over the greatness of human strength. "... the weakness of God is stronger than men (1 Corinthians 1:25b)."

Details and/or Comments

  • There are many parallels between chapters 30 and 31.
  • Though Assyria is described as the nation that God will destroy (without human help), and he did so in 701 B.C. (Isaiah 37:36), some aspects of this prophecy do not appear to have been fulfilled. So there may be a future (and more complete) fulfillment of it.


Isaiah 31 – God can bring disaster (v. 2), even a disaster that is not caused by humans (v. 8); he can also protect (v.5)

Scripture Passage Comments and Links
Isa 31:1 Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, and rely on horses, and trust in chariots because they are many, and in horsemen because they are very strong, but they don't look to the Holy One of Israel, and they don't seek Yahweh! Woe to people who look to humans for help, and NOT to God! How horrible it will be for them!
  • Horses - We are to trust God, not horses.

In Israel's case, both of these actions - returning to Egypt and acquiring warhorses - were forbidden. So this was a "double" sin.

Isa 31:2 Yet he also is wise, and will bring disaster, and will not call back his words, but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the help of those who work iniquity.

Isa 31:3 Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When Yahweh stretches out his hand, both he who helps shall stumble, and he who is helped shall fall, and they all shall be consumed together.

They think the Egyptians are wise and powerful... God is more so! He will outsmart and overpower them.

God can and will bring disaster, if they do not change their ways. And the disaster will fall not only upon the Jews, but also upon the Egyptians who help them.

Isa 31:4 For thus says Yahweh to me, "As the lion and the young lion growling over his prey, if a multitude of shepherds is called together against him, will not be dismayed at their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them, so Yahweh of Armies will come down to fight on Mount Zion and on its heights.

Isa 31:5 As birds hovering, so Yahweh of Armies will protect Jerusalem. He will protect and deliver it. He will pass over and preserve it."

God, not Egypt, is the one who will protect Jerusalem.

Judgment will come (v. 3), but so will deliverance (v. 5). This parallels what was described in chapter 30:19+.

Isa 31:6 Return to him from whom you have deeply revolted, children of Israel.

Isa 31:7 For in that day everyone shall cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold--sin which your own hands have made for you.

Therefore, repent! This present command to return to God is connected with the future reality that they will abandon their idols (see Isaiah 30:22). In other words, do it now; don't wait for the future!
Isa 31:8 "The Assyrian will fall by the sword, not of man; and the sword, not of mankind, shall devour him. He will flee from the sword, and his young men will become subject to forced labor.

Isa 31:9 His rock will pass away by reason of terror, and his princes will be afraid of the banner," says Yahweh, whose fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.

Return to God! When you do, your enemies will be destroyed – and not by human means!

Historically, God destroyed the Assyrian army that was threatening Jerusalem (Isaiah 37:36). But the complete abandonment of idolatry (v. 7) has yet to come - so there may also be a future (prophetic) application to this passage.

1:11-17  •  2:19-22  •  5:1-30  •  6:9-13  •  10:1-23  •  11:1-16  •  22:9-14  •  24:1-23  •  25:1-12  •  26:19-21  •  30:1-33  •  31:1-9  •  32:9-20  •  33:1-24  •  34:1-17  •  35:1-10  •  45:18  •  46:5-13  •  48:9-11  •  51:19-23  •  55:12-13  •  56:1-2  •  57:1-2  •  58:1-14  •  59:14-21  •  60:19-22  •  65:17-25

Scripture Passages
(Only books that have relevance to this study have active links. The others are in italics.)

Genesis  •  Exodus  •  Leviticus  •  Numbers  •  Deuteronomy  •  Joshua  •  Judges  •  Ruth  •  1 Samuel  •  2 Samuel  •  1 Kings  •  2 Kings  •  1 Chronicles  •  2 Chronicles  •  Ezra  •  Nehemiah  •  Esther  •  Job  •  Psalms  •  Proverbs  •  Ecclesiastes  •  Song of Solomon  •  Isaiah  •  Jeremiah  •  Lamentations  •  Ezekiel  •  Daniel  •  Hosea  •  Joel  •  Amos  •  Obadiah  •  Jonah  •  Micah  •  Nahum  •  Habakkuk  •  Zephaniah  •  Haggai  •  Zechariah  •  Malachi

Matthew  •  Mark  •  Luke  •  John  •  Acts  •  Romans  •  1 Corinthians  •  2 Corinthians  •  Galatians  •  Ephesians  •  Philippians  •  Colossians  •  1 Thessalonians  •  2 Thessalonians  •  1 Timothy  •  2 Timothy  •  Titus  •  Philemon  •  Hebrews  •  James  •  1 Peter  •  2 Peter  •  1 John  •  2 John  •  3 John  •  Jude  •  Revelation

—— To avoid any copyright issues, all Scripture is either from a public domain translation (such as the World English Bible), my own translation, or a combination of these. ——
The name "Yahweh," when present in an Old Testament passage, represents the Hebrew name for the God of the Bible.
Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.