Curses (and Their Nature)

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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


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Curses given by God and by the prophets are not a mere "venting" of anger. Rather, they are prophetic in nature. What they say will come to pass, not matter how long it takes. (Time is not a factor.) In this case, they are similar to blessings, except that they bring the opposite results.

Curses that are merely the expression of an individual's anger have no value. However, they are still serious, in that they express the heartfelt desire of the person uttering the curse. (Example: The curses Shimei uttered against King David - 2 Samuel 16:5-13.) As far as the "potency" of the curse is concerned (the ability for the curse to "fulfill" itself), such curses are no more significant than blessings that are the result of mere wishful thinking or good intentions.

Various categories related to judgment would parallel this, and would often be the opposite of the word "blessing."

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Genesis 3:1-24

The snake is cursed, because of its role in tempting the humans; the ground is cursed, because of Adam's sin. (There is a future hope for the ground - Romans 8:19-22).
The curse on the ground is also mentioned in Genesis 5:29 and Genesis 8:21
For more details about this event, see: First World Judgment.

Genesis 4:1-26

The curse pronounced on Adam (Genesis 3:17-19) is intensified for Cain (because he killed his brother Abel).

Genesis 9:1-29

Curse against Canaan

Joshua 6:26 & 1 Kings 16:34

A curse (spoken through Joshua) about whoever would rebuild the city of Jericho as a fortress. It was fulfilled about 550 years later.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.