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These are notes for an incomplete "Concept" page.

Information is being added as the Bible Pages are added. In the end, everything will be compiled, further information added (as necessary), broken links connected, etc.


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You must not take away human life.

  • We must tolerate nothing that destroys or denigrates life; we must do everything that promotes and encourages life.
  • As with the other commands, this command represents an entire "category" of attitudes and actions.

Exodus 20 Deuteronomy 5
Exo 20:13 "You shall not murder." Deu 5:17 "You shall not murder."

This command is necessary because humans were made "in the image of God". It is a sin against humans; but more importantly, it is a sin against God. This is why God requires the civil authorities to put to death any person (or animal) that commits this sin.

(This punishment does not apply to accidental deaths, self-defense, etc. Exodus 21:12-36 and Exodus 22:1-15 give examples of how to deal with such situations. The passages show how to distinguish between murder and other types of situations in which one person might cause another to die.)

This command, prohibiting willful (or malicious) killing, represents an entire category of actions. The "negative side" of this command includes things, such as:

  • Instances in which a person dies - whether intentionally or not.
  • Actions that express a desire for death of someone (such as cursing one's parents); or actions which effectively destroy a person, though they are still alive (such as kidnapping).
  • Attitudes (such as hatred).
  • Situations involving animals - humans killing animals, animals killing humans, animals killing animals.

The "positive side" of this command includes things such as:

  • Encouraging and building-up others.


#1  •  #2  •  #3  •  #4  •  #5  •  #6  •  #7  •  #8  •  #9  •  #10

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

(Add the commands in Genesis 9.)

Exodus 20:1-21

The original giving of the commandments.

Deuteronomy 5:1-33

Restatement of the commands, just before entering the Promised Land.

Exodus 21:12-36

Examples of how this command applies in various situations.

Exodus 22:1-15

What to do when a thief dies, when a person is attempting to protect his property.

Leviticus 19 (selected verses)

Lev 19:14 "You shall not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind; but you shall fear your God. I am Yahweh." - to do such things is an attitude of hatred toward them!

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.