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This page is on the 5 Worlds / 4 Judgments Temporary Worksheet.


  • This is a song of praise, as well as a prophecy about the future reign of God over the earth.

Details and/or Comments

  • See Isaiah 24:1-23 (Details/Comments section) for an outline of the basic theme of Isaiah 24-27.
  • Certain aspects of this prophecy appear to refer to a time in which the wicked are suppressed, but not totally destroyed. Other parts appear to refer to a time in which all that causes tears - including death itself - are forever gone. Taken together, this prophecy appears to transition from aspects of the "Fourth World" (when God rules the earth from Jerusalem) to aspects the "Fifth World" (the eternal state of the world).


Isaiah 25 – God's rule after the judgment.

This first section appears to be more compatible with events related to the "Fourth World" (when God rules the earth from Jerusalem).

Scripture Passage Comments and Links
Isa 25:1 Yahweh, you are my God. I will exalt you! I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago, in complete faithfulness and truth.

Isa 25:2 For you have made a city into a heap, a fortified city into a ruin, a palace of strangers to be no city. It will never be built.

Praise to God for his righteous judgment! The events described in this chapter are still future; but they have already been "planned" (v. 1), and cannot fail to happen.

The "wonderful things" described in this passage have to do with the judgment of the wicked (which implies the deliverance of the righteous from the hands of the wicked - as described in the following verses).

Isa 25:3 Therefore a strong people will glorify you. A city of awesome nations will fear you.

Isa 25:4 For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat.

Those who were originally the oppressors will now be humbled and will submit to God. They will glorify and fear God.
  • Fear of God - an attitude that all people have an obligation to have.

In contrast, God has exalted and given protection to those who were once oppressed by the oppressors. God is a refuge for the poor and needy.

Storm / heat - referring to the wicked.

The blast of the dreaded ones is like a storm against the wall,

Isa 25:5 and like the heat in a dry place.

You will bring down the noise of strangers; as the heat by the shade of a cloud, the song of the dreaded ones will be brought low.

The wicked are described as a scorching heat and a terrifying storm.

God will restrain the evil of the oppressors, just like a cloud restrains the heat of the scorching sun. He silences those who were once dreaded by the poor and needy. All this is related to the future judgment.

Certain aspects of the following section (such as the permanent removal of tears and death) appear to be related to the "Fifth World" (the future eternal state of the world).

Scripture Passage Comments and Links
Isa 25:6 In this mountain, Yahweh of Armies will make all peoples a feast of fat things, a feast of choice wines, of fat things full of marrow, of well refined choice wines. On the God's mountain... feasting and rejoicing.

This "mountain" is the future Jerusalem, where God will rule. (See the end of chapter 24.)

Isa 25:7 He will destroy in this mountain the surface of the covering that covers all peoples, and the veil that is spread over all nations.

Isa 25:8 He has swallowed up death forever! The Lord Yahweh will wipe away tears from off all faces. He will take the reproach of his people away from off all the earth, for Yahweh has spoken it.

Additional blessings to come...

Death will be swallowed up in victory. This is also mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:54. (The covering and veil may be a reference to items that were associated with death and mourning in Isaiah's day.)

All tears will be wiped away forever. This is also mentioned in Revelation 21:4.

Everything that causes shame, reproach, and disgrace will be forever gone.

Isa 25:9 It shall be said in that day, "Behold, this is our God! We have waited for him, and he will save us! This is Yahweh! We have waited for him. We will be glad and rejoice in his salvation!"

Isa 25:10 For in this mountain the hand of Yahweh will rest.

The things in this section apply to those who trust God from all nations. All such people - those who persevere in trusting him - will rejoice in him.

God's "hand of protection" will forever be in that place.

This section, a description of the humbling of God's enemies, is compatible with either of the "worlds" described in the previous sections.

Scripture Passage Comments and Links
Moab will be trodden down in his place, even like straw is trodden down in the water of the dunghill.

Isa 25:11 He [Moab] will spread out his hands in its midst, like one who swims spreads out hands to swim, but his pride will be humbled together with the craft of his hands.

Isa 25:12 He [Yahweh] has brought the high fortress of your walls down, laid low, and brought to the ground, even to the dust.

Those who chose to be God's enemies will be humbled – like people swimming in manure. (Moab - a nation near Israel that was often an enemy - symbolizes all people who fit into this category.)

1:11-17  •  2:19-22  •  5:1-30  •  6:9-13  •  10:1-23  •  11:1-16  •  22:9-14  •  24:1-23  •  25:1-12  •  26:19-21  •  30:1-33  •  31:1-9  •  32:9-20  •  33:1-24  •  34:1-17  •  35:1-10  •  45:18  •  46:5-13  •  48:9-11  •  51:19-23  •  55:12-13  •  56:1-2  •  57:1-2  •  58:1-14  •  59:14-21  •  60:19-22  •  65:17-25

Scripture Passages
(Only books that have relevance to this study have active links. The others are in italics.)

Genesis  •  Exodus  •  Leviticus  •  Numbers  •  Deuteronomy  •  Joshua  •  Judges  •  Ruth  •  1 Samuel  •  2 Samuel  •  1 Kings  •  2 Kings  •  1 Chronicles  •  2 Chronicles  •  Ezra  •  Nehemiah  •  Esther  •  Job  •  Psalms  •  Proverbs  •  Ecclesiastes  •  Song of Solomon  •  Isaiah  •  Jeremiah  •  Lamentations  •  Ezekiel  •  Daniel  •  Hosea  •  Joel  •  Amos  •  Obadiah  •  Jonah  •  Micah  •  Nahum  •  Habakkuk  •  Zephaniah  •  Haggai  •  Zechariah  •  Malachi

Matthew  •  Mark  •  Luke  •  John  •  Acts  •  Romans  •  1 Corinthians  •  2 Corinthians  •  Galatians  •  Ephesians  •  Philippians  •  Colossians  •  1 Thessalonians  •  2 Thessalonians  •  1 Timothy  •  2 Timothy  •  Titus  •  Philemon  •  Hebrews  •  James  •  1 Peter  •  2 Peter  •  1 John  •  2 John  •  3 John  •  Jude  •  Revelation

—— To avoid any copyright issues, all Scripture is either from a public domain translation (such as the World English Bible), my own translation, or a combination of these. ——
The name "Yahweh," when present in an Old Testament passage, represents the Hebrew name for the God of the Bible.
Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.